
Friday, April 7, 2017

AAMP Receives Donation from AT&T

 AAMP students and faculty
SDSU’s African American Mentoring Program (AAMP) received a donation from AT&T (San Diego 10-Internet and Services Division) for their work to increase African American achievement. The program’s founder, Dr. Tonika Green, who is an Associate Professor with the Department of Counseling and School Psychology, received an email from AT&T’s representative Annalisa Saldana, expressing an interest to raise money for the program as part of the division's Black History Initiative. The company raised $500 in three weeks for AAMP. Dr. Green and one of AAMP’s mentees, Myra Hollis, accepted the award at AT&T’s San Diego headquarters on March 21st. Over 100 AT&T employees dressed in Aztec gear, presented AAMP with the donation.

Since 2001, AAMP has supported the needs of graduate students of African descent in the College of Education. In recent years, the program expanded to include graduate and undergraduate students throughout the University. AAMP is devoted to ensuring that the educational experiences of students of African-descent are supported, mentored, and fostered. AAMP seeks to enhance students’ professional growth, self-awareness, self-confidence, cultural responsiveness and historical presence. To learn more about AAMP please visit or contact us: AAMPSDSU@GMAIL.COM | (619) 594-4467