
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

VIDEO: Meet COE’s Outstanding Graduates for 2019

collage of graduates

Each year at Commencement, the College of Education chooses Outstanding Graduates from each of its departments. Learn more about the accomplished students from our Class of 2019 who will be on stage with their most influential faculty members during the ceremony at Viejas Arena on May 19.

Department of Administration, Rehabilitation and Postsecondary Education 

Student: Myra Cheah
Most Influential Faculty Member: Dr. Lisa Gates

Department of Child and Family Development (graduate student) 

Student: Briana Bashaw-Wood 
Most Influential Faculty Member: Dr. Lisa Linder

Department of Child and Family Development (undergraduate student) 

Student: Rachel Glovinsky
Most Influential Faculty Member: Dr. Sascha Longstreth

Department of Counseling and School Psychology 

Student: Hilary Taylor
Most Influential Faculty Member: Navid Zamani

Department of Dual Language and English Learner Education 

Student: Alexandria Green
Most Influential Faculty Member: Dr. Sera Hernandez

Department of Educational Leadership 

Student: Oscar Corrigan
Most Influential Faculty Member: Dr. Dominique Smith

Department of Special Education 

Student: Mackenzie Lee Simpson
Most Influential Faculty Member: Dr. Regina Brandon

School of Teacher Education (Liberal Studies) 

Student: Cheryl Estella
Most Influential Faculty Member: Maha Rayan

School of Teacher Education (graduate student) 

Student: Angelique Gianas
Most Influential Faculty Member: Eric Ginsberg

Note: Student was unavailable for filming.