
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Luke Duesbery

Luke Duesbery 7 Things Graphic

Dr. Luke Duesbery is an associate professor in the School of Teacher Education and co-directs the online master’s in teaching and directs our college’s Center for Teaching Critical Thinking and Creativity. But there is more to him than just that. Find out more about Luke in this edition of 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Faculty and Staff!

1. Some might consider Luke a little...strange. 

He has many collections, including Chef Boyardee cans, canned meat cans with an emphasis on Spam, Tic Tacs from around the world and a bold 2000-plus collection of coasters (better known as tegestology).

2. Luke spends a lot of time in the kitchen. 

He cans cabbage, cucumbers and peppers, jars jams and marmalades, and grinds his own fresh spices for cooking.

3. Luke has a green thumb 

Many of you know he is an avid gardener and sponsors an outdoor learning center for K-12 students in the urban center. Did you also know he has a thriving succulent garden of his own? He spends at least an hour a day pruning and weeding his family of more than 200 potted succulents.

4. Luke has an international background. 

He has been living in San Diego for a little more than ten years, but he was actually born in England and grew up in Canada. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1994 and has lived in the Washington, D.C. area, Hampton Roads (Virginia Beach), and Oregon before coming to Southern California.

5. Luke is musical. 

He plays many musical instruments and enjoys guitar most of all. He likes to play traditional Irish music with his two children: Tiegue (22) on cello, and Cohen (16) on violin.

6. Luke likes to catch waves 

His usual sport is soccer, but his passion is surfing. He surfs a 9-foot-6-inch longboard and if he is missing a meeting, you can probably find him in the water at Tourmaline Park in Pacific Beach.

7. Luke is a runner. 

He and Paul Justice have won the half-marathon relay for both the San Diego Half Marathon and the Rock and Roll Half Marathon. Of course, Paul is the fast one — Luke straggles in.

How Luke Duesbery is making a difference in the College of Education 

“I am most proud of my cooperative work with our colleges, our university, local universities and — more importantly — our local communities. The work we do together is stronger than what we can do alone.”