
Monday, March 21, 2022

College of Education Shines at Student Research Symposium

Heather Thorogood and Rosa Tejeda
Heather Thorogood and Rosa Tejeda

By COE News Team 

Five San Diego State University College of Education-affiliated students won awards for outstanding scholarly accomplishment at the university’s 15th annual Student Research Symposium (SRS). SRS, a public forum where SDSU students present their research, scholarship, and creative activities, was held March 4-5 in Montezuma Hall. 

Here is a rundown of the winning students and projects: 

President's Award 

Karanjot Kaur
Karanjot Kaur
, Child and Family Development 
“A Mixed-Methods Examination of Colorism in the Context of Indian Children.” 
Mentor: Vanja Lazarevic 

Provost's Award 

Maryhanna Leraas
Maryhanna Leraas, Child and Family Development 
“Telepsychiatry for Children and Youth; The Challenges and Benefits” 
Mentor: Rachel Haine-Schlagel 

Dean’s Awards 

Lucyann Atkins
Lucyann Atkins
, Child and Family Development 
“What does it mean to be a anti-racist science educator and what does it look like?: A Cross-Case Study on Teacher Candidates’ Anti-Racist Science Teaching Conceptualizations” 
Mentor: Kathleen Schenkel 

Rosa Tejeda, Postsecondary Educational Leadership — Student Affairs, and 
Heather Thorogood, research assistant, Research & Equity Scholarship Institute
“STEM Experiential Learning at Hispanic Serving Institutions: Latinx Servingness” 
Mentor: Felisha Herrera Villareal