
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Harris III Receives Research And Scholarship Award From NASPA

Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education have given the College of Education’s own Dr. Frank Harris III its prestigious Community Colleges Research and Scholarship Award.

Formerly known as the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), the organization gives out Excellence Awards to members whose outstanding contributions are transforming higher education. These Excellence Awards cover eleven separate categories that are paramount to student success.

Dr. Harris, who received the award based on his research with men of color in the community college sector, met the award’s criteria of demonstrating “a commitment to advancing research and scholarship on the topic of student affairs in the community college.” Additionally, the impact of Dr. Harris’ research showed that it could have implications for higher education at the national or international level.

At San Diego State, Dr. Harris is an associate professor of postsecondary education and also co-director of the Minority Male Community College Collaborative (M2C3). Through M2C3, Dr. Harris and his colleagues are able to partner with community colleges across the country for research and intervention in minority male academic achievement.

Congratulations to Dr. Harris on the impact of his research as well as his reception of the Community College Research and Scholarship Award from NASPA.