
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

School Psychology Candidates Receive Research Fellowship

PSRF recipients
The School Psychology Program is proud to announce that two of our recently accepted applicants were awarded the Presidential Graduate Research Fellowship (PGRF). PGRF is a new university-wide competitive fellowship program designed to recruit non-resident graduate students who demonstrate outstanding potential for achievement in research or creative activity. The Fellowship waives non-resident tuition for one academic year.

Bryanna Kinlicheene, a graduate student from Ft. Lewis College in Colorado, earned a degree  in psychology with honors.  She comes to us with classroom experience with diverse students, including bilingual students.  She has conducted several research studies, made professional conference presentations, and holds an NIH Office of Extramural Research Certification. She will join the School Psychology Program and the Native American Scholars Project.

Nora Neztsosie is currently special education head teacher and acting director at Peach Spring Unified School District #8 in Peach Springs, Arizona, where she has specialized in PBIS, autism and inclusion.  It has been her dream to become a school psychologist, and she hopes to continue the dream in San Diego. Her passion to help schools understand the Indigenous community and make a difference will be critical in her many research endeavors. Nora plans to be a Scholar on the Native American and Indigenous Scholars and Collaborators Project.